Revert to Previous DNS Settings After Uninstalling DNSFilter
Bogdan Pavel
When we uninstall DNSFilter agents, the original DNS settings are not restored, causing the operating systems to lose connections and stop responding. Is there a way to prevent this issue during the uninstallation process? We would like DNSFilter to revert the NIC's DNS settings to their original state upon uninstallation.
Nick Saunders
Bogdan Pavel The agent should 100% restore the previous settings when it's uninstalled, have contacted support with your issue?
James Kinsley
Nick Saunders
Can confirm this is not the case and happens way too much. Can’t really collect logs after it’s been uninstalled.
Bricks the machine for any remote support in client environments where they aren’t local admins. Very tedious to fix
Martin Farkas
Nick Saunders We also experience that previous DNS settings are not always restored when uninstalling the DNSFilter agent.
Nick Saunders
James Kinsley Are you on Windows? Can you capture event viewer data from when this happened? Any other details would be helpful - my email is nsaunders (@)
`wevtutil epl System %userprofile%\Desktop\SystemLog.evtx
wevtutil epl Application %userprofile%\Desktop\ApplicationLog.evtx`
Nick Saunders
Martin Farkas Are you on Windows? If you can capture DNSFilter logs or event viewer logs that would help us diagnose what's occurring. My email is nsaunders (@)