DNS over HTTPS support - For Routers
under review ( scoping )
Eric Nix
NextDNS allows use of DNS over HTTPS per profile. DNSFilter should allow DoH to point to specific policies and to allow devices to have DoH profiles (not just users with a roaming profile). This would be helpful for routers that support DoH but not DoT, and it would also be helpful to force certain clients on a VLAN with a separate policy to adhere to a policy for that client. It would also allow client-level statistics within a policy.
Ryan Poppa
under review ( scoping )
Eric Nix
I ended up canceling my subscription due to this lack of feature. Hopefully DNSFilter will join their competitors and begin offering this in 2025.
Eric Nix
Has there been any further consideration of this? Not all routers support DoT.
EDIT: Ubiquiti's UniFi Network v8.4.54 now supports DoH custom URLs (requires a dnscrypt stamp). Would be nice if DNSFilter started supporting DoH for those of us with Ciscos and PANs out of reach of our budget.
Eric Nix
Bumping this for hopefully serious consideration as not all routers support DoT but do support DoH.
Eric Nix
I'm hoping this gets moved into consideration soon.
Nick Saunders
Merged in a post:
Modem support
We want to use this service on our own modems (we are a small ISP)
when we do now, its not stable