Monthly web surfing and browsing activity reports that are meaningful in terms of how much time users are spending surfing the internet and clicking around. I've used SurfControl and WebSense in the past and it was very good at providing basic bar-graph reports that listed all the staff in the left column and a bar chart showing user activity extending across the page to the right with the TOP USERS at the top of the chart showing number of clicks and amount of browsing activity moving users higher up on the bar chart based on their amount of internet surfing. The bars were also color coded with basic Categories, such as Shopping, Social Media, Job Sites, Personal Interests, Cooking, Health, etc., Sports, Business, Banking and Stock Market, etc. This was helpful so that when a user was among the "Top Users" in the bar chart, there were some details to help understand if it was legitimate business focused activity related to the individual persons job, or if the user needed to be more conscientious regarding non-business related activities during normal working hours. Providing these reports was a healthy reminder to staff so that they realize internet activity can be viewed was very helpful with staff then "Self Policing" themselves and being more conscientious regarding how they spend their time during business hours and using company property/technology. I believe many more customers would be interested in this service if this feature were part of the reporting capabilities!