Do not Block pages which belong to another category
Christian Hanster
In our setup we block pages which belong to category "drugs". However we would like to have the pages which belong to the category "educational" (and "drugs") not to be blocked. We have seen lot's of pages which belong to both categories which we are now whitelisting. Perhaps it can be made possible with a "smart filter".
Tom Himes
Similar situation with 1. Business 2. Shopping. So many sites are categorized as both and get blocked due to Shopping. If I don't block Business then anything under that should be OK. Sites set as strictly Shopping should be blocked only, e.g., Amazon, Walmart, etc.
Martin Farkas
Agree, we like to allow access to 'Education & Self Help' sites but need to block access to 'pure' Gambling, Adult Content, Drugs etc. sites.
Education & Self Help, Gambling
'Education & Self Help' should overwrite the 'Gambling' block and allow access
Maybe this could be accomplished by adding the ability to explicitly whitelist a specific category. So that if a site belongs to two categories and one is blocked and the other has be explicitly whitelisting, the whitelisted category overrides the block.
This would make the default to still block a site that belongs to a blocked category if other categories it belongs to have not been explicitly whitelisted.