Enforce SafeSearch for pixabay.com
Pixabay.com is a free stock photography and royalty-free stock media website.
They support enforcing SafeSearch with a CNAME Entry: https://pixabay.com/blog/posts/block-adult-content-on-pixabay-at-your-school-or-w-140/
Bill Crahen
I'm curious how DNSFilter would enforce SafeSearch as they operate at the DNS level, not in the browser? Does DNSFilter work further up the stack than I am aware?
Bill Crahen: As per the OP, they use a CNAME (DNS Entry) to enforce safe search. This means, if DNSFilter overrides all pixabay queries to resolve to the CNAME address of the safe search version (much like the youtube restricted mode, google safe search, and bing safe search work), the user will only ever be in safe mode on that site
Bill Crahen
Lance: Unfortunately, I don't see that working, you can certainly have DNSFilter swap out the IP address for another, but your browser is still going to request the same hostname to the webserver. If DNSFlter was a proxy that would work. I truly am curious about it however, so maybe there is a way.
Bill Crahen: From the link provided by the OP: "To force SafeSearch for your network, you'll need to update your DNS configuration. Set the DNS entry for pixabay.com to be a CNAME for safesearch.pixabay.com. We return SafeSearch results for all requests that we receive on this subdomain."
So a simple DNS override.