Hardware device for DNS relay
Eric Nix
DNSFilter should make a hardware device that can be plugged into a network with a static IP, configured as the DNS server, and offer DNS relay. A GUI configuration option would be great to configure relaying DNS to DNSFilter so that LAN IPs can be recorded. Ability to work across multiple VLANs would be ideal. This shouldn't be incredibly expensive as a small Pi could probably accomplish this. Supporting DoT back to DNSFilter would be an added benefit.
Eric Nix
Just curious if there has been anymore consideration for this? I left DNSFilter and would love to come back if this was available.
Eric Nix
Bumping this up in hopes it'll be seriously considered. NextDNS and ControlD offer a CLI client for Ubiquiti UniFi routers. A separate hardware device that DNSFilter sells as a DNS relay that supports DoT/DoH would be amazing. Please give it some serious consideration.