iOS Roaming Client on Unsupervised Devices
At this time in order to use the iOS Roaming Client, it needs to be on a device that is in supervised mode using an MDM. Requesting ability to use DNSFilter iOS Roaming Client on Unsupervised devices (in a BYOD scenario for companies wishing to extend the DNSFilter protections to personal devices).
Steve Staden
Merged in a post:
Mobile App For Non-Managed Devices
Jesse LaClair
It’d be nice to have this option. Make a PIN code to make changes in the app or some other authentication so the user can’t do it. Of course, the user could override the DNS settings in device settings if they try hard enough because the device is not managed. But I think many would choose not to. Supervising an iOS device requires wiping it, which is just not feasible to do sometimes.
Sean Ardizzone
Bumping because this is so needed
With the recent guardian vpn acquisition, has there been any update on this?
Sean Ardizzone
Cleanbrowsing and NextDNS can do it without supervised mode. What’s preventing DNSFilter??
Mikey @DNSFilter
Merged in a post:
a normal ios/apple client/app without the need of supervised mode only
Nachman Weiss
i don't think its possible due to apples restrictions but this is definitely a most wanted feature request !