Query Log filter needs Does Not Contain for Categories
under review ( scoping )
Ryan Poppa
under review ( scoping )
Ryan Poppa
Merged in a post:
Ability to Exclude Security Categories from the DNS Query Log View
Ben Quick
Is it possible to exclude categories from the log? I see I can add Categories and the only option is to include. I see that the customer has a lot of Advertising blocks and don't necessarily care about those.
Ryan Poppa
Ben Quick: Do you mind if I edit the title to be "Ability to exclude categories from the Query Log?"
Ben Quick
Ryan Poppa That works
Ryan Poppa
Ben Quick Thanks! Edited the title.
Jerry Ketterling
Furthermore you can not FILTER for "uncategorized" sites which is almost certainly where this NOISE is coming from. UIX needs to ensure that all categories are searchable and adding boolean logic to allow you to look for NOT and AND and OR matches. This would make the searching much more usefull