Roaming Client Log Collection
planned ( in queue )
Often when a support case is raised, DNSF support asks for agent logs, which is somewhat of a manual process. We're requesting a feature where logs can be "fetched" from roaming clients via the DNSF portal so that the logs are more easily visible to us and DNSF support. This approach would remove the need for running batch files on the roaming client and needing to attach ZIPPED logs to tickets. DNSF Support would be able to begin troubleshooting a problem as soon as a support issue is raised.
indwes itsecurity
Agreed! This would help immensely
Nick Saunders
planned ( in queue )
As part of the Diagnostic Tool introduced last year in macOS and WinRC we are planning these enhancements:
- Direct upload to DNSFilter Support of logs from the Diagnostic tool
- Ability for DNSFilter Support, with permission, to remotely request logs from an affected device.
Appreciate the feedback.
Scott Thomson
Nick Saunders please consider not limiting the 'request log' operation to your own support staff. This has value to us as operators as well.
Any chance that the 'with permission' is an actual technical control, instead of a pinkie-swear that you won't pull logs unless authorized during a support case?
Our RMM allows our vendor to directly impersonate our user accounts for debug purposes - but this is a fully fleshed out feature where we have to flip a toggle, AND it also includes an automatic disable-deadline (with options like 1 day, 7 days, 1 month, or custom 'deadline' - but it MUST have a deadline).
Scott Thomson
oh, it also explicitly logs to an audit-trail as 'impersonation event'. Just noting this - it'd be nice to see an actual 'administration audit log' keeping track of all admin-portal activity for compliance purposes.