WARN Page with bypass button
Michael Adams
Ability to create a WARN page that does not block a category/site but instead shows a warning page reminding users of some caveat before going to the requested site. For example, before going to a Generative AI site, a page appears warning the user to NOT enter any business confidential, HIPAA, or other PII into AI. There would be a button on the page to acknowledge the warning and continue to the site.
Jonathan Bullock
I like this idea especially for parked domains this could be nice to warn by category for why it's blocked that it's expired and at risk of being hijacked.
I foresee a few issues with this though that may need to be taken into consideration:
- For Content Delivery servers where only part of the site or modules are blocked it's not possible to display a message.
- Once a request has been answered devices would have a cached record. the initial record would need to have a very short TTL so devices would know to renew the records.
- would need to have the ability to have custom block pages per category.
- how often would you re-issue a warning? if this is for a network deployment you wouldn't know which devices were making the request unless traffic was routed through a proxy server and many sites and services have detection and block this.